On the off chance that you investigate Turkish reports you will see features, for example, "Three captured for offering unlawfully uncovered antiquated curios in Istanbul." Despite Turkey's strict laws against the unapproved removal of old relics, including substantial fines and even detainment, illicit unearthings proceed as "definecilik" or "fortune chasing" endures operating at a profit showcase.
Anatolia has been home to numerous antiquated human advancements, including the Helens, old Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and the Ottomans, representing the incalculable points of interest and memorable curios obvious crosswise over about every last bit of the nation. Reminiscent of an outside gallery, Anatolia is home to more notable delights than meets the eye: Much of which falsehoods covered underneath the incomprehensible fields of the noteworthy area.
Treasure seekers are bold and staring off into space individuals who need to profit. On many events, treasure chasing has transformed into practically dysfunctional behavior. These unlawful seekers may spend the greater part of their cash to purchase treasure maps and hardware in plans to discover wealth having a place with the past civic establishments. These seekers will even set out on excursions for quite a long time at a time, traveling over Turkey's farmland and notwithstanding burrowing vast hollows or notwithstanding trespassing into old, relinquished homes.
Subsequently, these fortune seekers lose cash and time and make irreversible harm Turkey's scene and even individuals' private properties.
Treasure seekers in Turkey for the most part get together at cafés called "defineciler kahvehanesi" or in the region of side interest shops that offer exceptional metal locators utilized for fortune chasing. These days, they can likewise assemble and get together, by means of the web, more effortlessly than some time recently. Seekers share different methods and hints of fortune among them in Facebook aggregates too.
Seekers for the most part look for fortune in archeological sides, unprotected verifiable structures and relinquished old houses that has a place with Armenian and Greek vagrants who are accepted to have covered every one of their things, cash and gold in the ground before leaving their homes. Along these lines, treasure seekers principally scan for profitable metals, paying no brain to the noteworthy or social parts of the ancient rarities.
Seekers harm hills and tumulus generally. A tumulus is a hill of earth and stone raised over a grave or graveyard plot worked for lords of nobles. There are numerous tumuli in Turkey and, for fortune seekers such structures have gigantic noteworthiness in light of the fact that old human advancements covered some of their effects with these lords and nobles.
The tombs and materials of the dead are in this manner very noteworthy as they shed light on the social and political history of the separate progress. Hence, these tombs are essential focuses among fortune seekers searching for profitable metals like gold or silver.
As of late, another era of criminals and the accessibility of modest metal identifiers have represented an ascent in wrongdoing rates for this kind of wrongdoing. While a few seekers burrow for fortune, some utilization explosive keeping in mind the end goal to explode tumuli looking for important metals, indicating complete dismissal for history and the legacy of old humankind.
Educator Sacit Pekak of the Department of Art History at Hacettepe Unviersity addressed Daily Sabah on the issue.
"All through my archaic exploration profession, I have seen hints of fortune seekers in all my archeological reviews. Really, treasure chasing is not one of a kind to Turkey; it is normal everywhere throughout the world yet we see higher rates of this sort of wrongdoing in Turkey for various reasons," Pekak said.
Teacher Pekak trusts that one of the principle purposes behind fortune chasing in Turkey is because of superstitions which were passed down starting with one era then onto the next.
"Particularly, stories about gold being covered under structures that had a place with the Greek, Armenian and Georgian Christian people group in old Anatolia fuel the seekers drive to look for gold and vandalize these antiquated ancient rarities. Obviously, these superstitious convictions are not valid. For instance, I have made unearthings in the focal Anatolian city of Niğde. As indicated by anthropological reviews, the dietary propensities for the area today are practically same as it was in those days. So we can state, amid the Byzantine time frame a villager was as rich as a villager who live in Niğde now. In this way, a villager, who lived in Niğde amid the period, couldn't leave a fortune," he said.
Albeit a large portion of these convictions are not valid, there are sure traditions in Anatolia including a few gold coins.
"There is an old custom in Anatolia which says that a respectable or a medieval landowner known as an "aga" in the focal Anatolia district, began building a house, some cash, suppose three or five brilliant coins, are covered for care in the event of a tremor. Be that as it may, such custom is not normal and no one but nobles could do it. My dad was a rich rancher, he did as he said. It is inconceivable that there is gold at all houses," Prof.essor Pekak clarified.
"I have seen just once huge measures of significant foundlings in my 40-year profession. Educator Rahmi Hüseyin Ünal found a cruse of silver coins with more than 1,000 pieces. Be that as it may, these discoveries were accounted for to the press and this made us exceptionally sad in light of the fact that the reports expanded the fortune seekers' inspirations," he proceeded.
Such news in printed media and on TV ordinarily propels individuals to go treasure chasing which brings about irreversible harm to archeological locales. Educator Pekak, who has been taking an interest in archeological unearthings for a long time, said he has not seen a situation where archeologists ran over innumerable silver or gold coins.
"Obviously, I have seen a great deal of valuable foundlings like structural works or artistic creations," said Pekak, "Yet seekers are not inspired by them. Seekers concentrate just on honorable metals like silver or gold."
"I am not a therapist but rather, as I would like to think, treasure chasing is a habit like nicotine or liquor. Obviously, some Turkish movies and Hollywood movies like 'Indiana Jones' assume essential parts in that fixation. They make the false sense that there are fortunes in every single old fashioned structure. There are passages that take seekers to different spots. A large portion of these faculties aren't right and experimentally doubtful," Pekak finished up.
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